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The Benefits Of Audiobooks

Writer's picture: Jiminna ShillingfordJiminna Shillingford Not in the visual reading mood? Well explore with your auditory senses, and find out why its actually really good for you!

Reading has come a long way. First paperbacks and hardcopies, now, eBooks and audiobooks. Sometimes its best to get away from small printed words, and bright glaring screens. Sometimes listening is the best. Find out how Audiobooks can help you and your family here. Dive into quality narration by signing up a 30-day trial on

"The point of reading is to appreciate the narrative, appreciate the beauty of the language, and the particulars of how you got to that point of appreciation really doesn’t matter so much." – Daniel Willingham


Quick escapes

We as human beings, often finds ourselves searching for some form of escapism. According to an article written on Coster Content, “The power of escapism: imagination, mental health and the benefits of distraction,” it states briefly that, “Escapism offers a way to take the pressure off and temporarily disconnect. In taking some time to escape our everyday lives, we find ourselves better equipped to deal with situations and handle any obstacles we may be facing.” Isn’t that what life is about entirely, facing challenges and obstacles, being bereft by hurdles that we all must overcome. Then taking small moments to celebrate those hurdles that we conquered. It is a hard world, this one we live in, and a bit of escapism goes a long way. There are various forms of it, Meditating, dancing, gardening, writing, watching movies, playing video…the list goes on. But one of the best and most popular forms is reading and listening to music. Now if you can combine the two, then it opens a whole new world before you. Much like movies may do, but in a more detailed and immersive way. Its why the world was introduced to audiobooks. For that lilting narration of books, we’ve all come to love. Its why websites like exists.

Why Our Children Read

Too much of anything can be bad for you, so extreme escapism isn’t recommended, but a bit, to get you through a rough day, week, month, or even year, is to immerse yourself in quality narration that audiobooks give. I mean audiobooks are used in schools, so of course they aren’t bad things. In actuality, Parents and teachers have used audiobooks to improve their children’s attention span and improves production. The storytelling at bedtime can also be played through home speakers, where children are able to follow along with their hardcopies. It’s a great experience especially with quality narration.

A few great audiobooks perfect for your children are:


Fantasy Brought To Life

The personality of a narrator tends to enhance an already beautiful experience. It takes the beauty of escapism to the next level. You get to learn and experience a story in more depth through sound. If there is a need for humor, then the narrator portrays it. If its anger, then the narrator portrays that as well. It lightens the load on our imaginations. The partaking individual, often has to remember places plots, and characters, which can be trying, but worth it because of the narrator’s voice, and it improve memory. But really, it’s the experience. Sometimes an overwhelming one.

Here are some audiobooks to help with diving into an enthralling one:


Mysteries Are Important

Audiobooks are stimulants. You indulge because its enjoyable, and for an incredible escapism experience. Sometimes it’s even a teaching experience. Not just with non-fiction. But often enough, mysteries. Listening to a book is different than reading one. You have to pay attention while listening and process everything simultaneously. It increases your critical thinking while stimulating your brain. Especially mysterious and suspenseful books. You’ll try to wonder what comes next. Who’d done it, why they did it, and try to make sense of the overall plot and how everything ties together.

Here are some mystery audiobooks that’ll have you thinking and captured in a world of suspense:


Romance & Sensuality

Now there is something said for a beautiful voice. Narrators have a way of touching a soul at times. You grow empathetic listening to audiobooks, and its all thanks to the narrator’s voice. You, as the listener get to learn more about a character by the narrator’s tone of voice. You grow an understanding. Grieving when the character grieves and laughing when they laugh, and when they feel sensuality, you feel just as much. Some people who read books, unfortunately have trouble with that, but audiobooks make up for it. Its of course about preference. But indulging in fantastical romances, hearing the bashful tones, and deeper sensual voices, it touches a nerve. Especially if you are taking a dip into erotica.

Here are some audiobooks, that will surely fill you with empathy:


Those That Need It The Most

One of the most important uses of audiobooks, are for the sight impaired book lovers. More than anyone else, those that are sight impaired, deserve their own form of escapism. When one sense is lost it is often said that the others are enhanced. Myth of not, I’m sure those with sight problems, get the chance to indulge in the wonderment of books very intensely. They are able to get to fall in love with a character, listen to the tones of the narrator’s voice and picture a world beyond their own. Isn’t that why we all love books? They give us magical lands, hot, exciting moments, and deep thoughts. Sight impaired individuals, “see,” with their other available senses, and audiobooks are triggers to their own form of escapism. The world is already so dull and dark at times, so find the audiobook for you, or the one who truly needs it.

Here’s some more awesome audiobooks perfect for all:

Sci Fi Audiobooks

Paranormal Audiobooks

Non-Fiction Audiobooks

Self-Help Audiobooks

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